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Let's call a spade a spade. Cheap is expensive. Notwithstanding, anything expensive shouldn't also be short-lived. At least, you should experience what you have spent for a reasonable time. Everyone wants to get value for their money and the best way to that is by buying an item that won't be costly to run.

Generally, heating and cooling air conditioning systems are costly to buy and use. Here are some golden energy-saving ideas that will assist you to cut down the energy expenses while sustaining your system. Remember, maintaining your system using suitable ways is the best and basic technique to avoid expensive repair and replacement.

  • When doing maintenance, all parts of your air conditioner matter. This is because even the seemingly insignificant parts can become problematic to the whole system at some point. Filters are usually the least valuable part of the air conditioning system and also one of the simplest to maintain. Unfortunately, they can be ignored and skipped during routine maintenance practice.

Replace Filters

  • Replacing or cleaning your filters once a month should be the easiest and basic step in saving money since a messy filter makes the air conditioner operate harder, therefore, consuming relatively more power.

Have A Flowing Condensate Drain

  • As a maintenance practice, ensure the condensate drain is flowing suitably and is free from restraint.

  • You may be knowledgeable or experienced in air conditioning operations, however, it's preferable to have an authorized technician to properly inspect and tune-up your AC system. If possible, arrange for routine annual service to lengthen the life of your air conditioning equipment.

  • Even without prior experience, there are other maintenance measures you can carry out. For instance, you should clean any debris like leaves and grass regularly. Some of this debris may look minor but can interfere with air-flow and making the unit operate with greater force than necessary.

Thermostat Temperature

  • Raise your thermostat to about 78 degrees. With that, you can still contented and preserve about 20% on your cooling charges.

  • Utilize ceiling fans that can make you fell satisfied at greater thermostat settings.

  • Apart from the air conditioning fault, there could be other places causing air leakage as well. Examine your home for drafts and air leaks. You need to be creative to identify some of these areas. There are various areas outside and inside your residence that can leak air, leading to greater energy expenses each year. Among the areas to keep in mind are windows, doors, wall-ceiling junctures, outlets, thermostat, chimneys, pipes, windows air conditioners, switch plates, foundation seals, mail slots, fireplace dampers. Other areas to examine include gaps, damaged, cracked, or missing caulking as well as weather stripping. Any of the affected areas should be sealed with appropriate material to reduce extreme energy dissipation. Above all a qualified technician can identify a problem immediately and in the long run it's a money saver.

  • Don't just wait for the red flag to check for faults. Have a scheduled examination of your systems. Your systems need to be properly checked before winter and also before summer to make sure that they are in good condition. Tucson Arizona air conditioning services include a maintenance program that entails two periodic comprehensive seasonal examinations at notable savings. Keep in touch with us for more energy-saving ideas and services.

Need AC Service? Call 520.886.3164

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